Wealthy Credit Limited, formerly known as Fast Loan Company. +852 300 16439
  • Corporate Services
  • 2.5k Credit Cards Issued
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Wealthy Credit Limited

Launch your startup
funding to greatness.

Starting a business comes with costs. Enter: startup funding loans, the business loans specifically designed to help finance the next big thing. Securing a startup funding loan is better than giving equity away to investors or borrowing cash from family and friends. Keep doing it your way, and we’ll help you access the capital you need.

Be your own startup accelerator with a startup business loan. A financial cushion can take some of the unnecessary stress and backbreaking work out of building a business. A startup business loan can enable you to hire staff, lease office space, increase inventory, buy equipment, or simply cover monthly expenses while you’re growing.

How can a startup funding loan accelerate my small business?

A startup loan empowers you to invest in your own business. Instead of giving up equity to investors, a startup loan maintains your equity while accessing the working capital your startup needs so you can move into that larger office space or order the inventory you need to fulfill those massive purchase orders that keep rolling in.

Need Assistance?

Contact Wealthy Credit Limited for your Startup Funding Loan

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